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What are the benefits of rosehip? If you drink two cups of rosehip tea a day ...

What are the benefits of rosehip?  If you drink two cups of rosehip tea a day ...
Rosehip, which has a sour taste, is one of the born medicines that have been consumed for centuries. It reduces the risk of upper respiratory tract diseases, especially by strengthening immunity. It also refreshes the digestive system and prevents any complications. In recent years, it has been found that its oil has reduced skin diseases. So what are the benefits of rosehip? We have added the curiosities for you to the details of the news:
Growing in temperate climate and used in herbal health, rosehip is generally consumed as tea. Belonging to the rose family, the rosehip changes from red to orange or dark purple to black. Rosehip, which varies according to its color, blooms in spring and summer, and ripens in autumn. It is collected and consumed for the winter month. Rich in vitamin C, rosehip acts as a completely natural antibiotic against winter diseases. It is also rich in polyphenols, magnesium, iron, lycopene, vitamins A, B, E and K. In Austria-Hungary, jam, syrup, pie, bread and marmalade are made from rosehip, the raw material of the traditional dessert. Widely consumed in the European continent, rosehip is frequently consumed in villages in our country. Rosehip, which is a natural remedy for digestive diseases, prevents the accumulation of edema, especially by removing uric acids in the body. Rosehip with wild thorny branches easily meets more than 50 percent of the vitamin C that an orange will provide.

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