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Carlinville library book sale June 3

Carlinville library book sale June 3

CARLINVILLE — Top-quality reading materials will be available at low prices during a sidewalk book sale at the Carlinville Public Library on Saturday, June 3 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

The library held its first-ever sidewalk sale last year, with resounding success. “It was a great event for us,” said library director Hannah Miller. “We had such a strong turnout and raised a lot of money that we can really use. We hope this year’s event is just as successful.” 

Books will be on sale for $1 each at this outdoor event, which offers gently-used materials in all genres, including fiction, biography, how-to, cooking, travel, history, and holidays. 

In addition to the outdoor sale, visitors may browse the usual Book Nook selections inside the conference room, where shoppers may fill a bag of books for one dollar throughout the day.

All proceeds from the event will benefit library programs. The sidewalk sale is one of multiple activities in Carlinville that day, including the annual Spring Festival at the Macoupin County Historical Society.

The Carlinville Public Library is located at 510 N. Broad St. For more information contact the library at (217) 854-3505 or mail@carlinvillelibrary.org.

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