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How to Connect Your WordPress Blog to Reddit and build a community for your brand

How to Connect Your WordPress Blog to Reddit and build a community for your brand

Reddit.com is one of the most popular social platforms around the world. Allowing its users to share, curate and discuss content or similar interests, it lives up to its slogan “The front page to the Internet”. The WordPress plugin Blog2Social helps you to cross-promote your blog posts to multiple subreddits in just a few clicks.
Why You Should Cross-Promote Your Content On Reddit
Reddit is an all-in-one solution for you and your company: Experts, marketers and fan communities alike, use Reddit to promote content, build brand awareness, discuss industries and, most of all, interact!

The Reddit users get together in small communities called sub-reddits, which are organized according to special interests, hobbies or concerns. The range of topics is wide and includes everything from Panda GIFs to Marketing. According to redditmetrics.com there are currently more than one million subreddits with up to 800 new subreddits created each day. Subreddits are the perfect stage for companies to drive engagement with their fans, call for interactions and give followers a voice and sense of significance within the community.  A great opportunity to recruit brand advocates and meet influencers.

However, handling all these interactions and submitting your links manually to multiple subreddits is a time-consuming task. This is how you connect your WordPress blog to Reddit to speed up your blog marketing:
How to connect your WordPress blog to Reddit with Blog2Social
With the WordPress plugin Blog2Social you can simply connect your blog to Reddit and publish your content across multiple subreddits and communities - customized or completely automated in just a few clicks.
1. Install the WordPress plugin Blog2Social on your blog
First of all you have to download the Blog2Social plugin from the WordPress directory in your WordPress plugin section. If you have done so, install and activate the plugin. Now you are ready to go. By the way, Blog2Social is free.
How to install Blog2Social on your WordPress blog

How to install Blog2Social on your WordPress blog

On our website How to install the plugin Blog2Social on your blog  you find a more detailed description on how to install and activate Blog2Social on your WordPress blog.
2. Connect your WordPress blog to Reddit with Blog2Social
To connect Blog2Social with Reddit, simply go to your Blog2Social dashboard in your WordPress navigation bar and click on “Networks”.
Connect your WordPress blog to Reddit with Blog2Social

Connect your WordPress blog to Reddit with Blog2Social

By clicking on “+profile” you can connect to your Reddit account. To authorize the connection enter your password and username and “connect”.

Tip: If you are new to Reddit, make sure to subscribe to at least one subreddit before connecting your profile to your WordPress blog with Blog2Social.
Enter your username and password to connect your WordPress blog with Reddit

Enter your username and password to connect your WordPress blog with Reddit

Allow access to connect your WordPress Blog to Reddit

Allow access to connect your WordPress Blog to Reddit

After you allow Blog2Social to connect with your Reddit account, you can select to which of your subreddits you want to submit your posts. Don’t worry, you will be able to change this setting every time you submit to Reddit with Blog2Social.
Submit to all your subscribed subreddits directly from your WordPress blog

Submit to all your subscribed subreddits directly from your WordPress blog

Tip: If you frequently subscribe to new subreddits make sure to reconnect your Reddit account to Blog2Social once in a while, to update the selection of subreddits you can post to.
How Blog2Social Can Help You with Cross-Promotion on Reddit
It comes natural that target groups vary strongly from subreddit to subreddits. On top, the policy of the network greatly values the users’ opinion. The Reddit community votes on every submission and can influence a contents ranking on the Reddit.com front page. The more positive ratings your comments or links get, the further up they will appear in the respective subreddit or can be added to the categories “hot”, “new”, “rising” or “controversial”. Thus, the community’s voting can either boost or harm your outreach.
Submit your posts at the right time for each subreddit and boost your reach
To increase your chances of positive ratings you should submit your blog posts during Reddit's rush hours, when many users are online to see it. Especially if your business is operating internationally, you should focus on the US timezones as the traffic on Reddit it strongly driven by US users. The best times to post on Reddit are from Monday to Thursday between 8:30 am and 10:30 am.
Best times to post to Reddit

Best times to post to Reddit

The Blog2Social Best Time Scheduler supports you in hitting these rush hours automatically. Simply click on “Best Time Scheduler”. If the ideal time has already passed, Blog2Social will automatically schedule your submission for the next day and improves your “karma” as the network’s community calls it.
Apply the Blog2Social Best Time Scheduler to hit the best times to post on Reddit

Apply the Blog2Social Best Time Scheduler to hit the best times to post on Reddit

However, each subreddit represents a unique community with different tendencies. Thus, the best times for your favorite subreddit might be completely different. Therefore, you should monitor the performance of your posts and other top-rated submissions, to know when the best time for your specific target group is. You can then save these times in the Blog2Social Settings and apply them when cross-promoting your blog content.
Set your own unique best times for Reddit in the Blog2Social Setting

Set your own unique best times for Reddit in the Blog2Social Setting

Or simply change the time manually.
Change the time of your scheduling in the Blog2Social one-page overview

Change the time of your scheduling in the Blog2Social one-page overview

Additionally, keep an eye out for great content from other users, which has already been submitted the same day. The number of submission that can be on top is limited, so knowing your community and checking for relevant events that could steal your spotlight is worth the effort. If you feel that the subreddit is already too crowded and you are not dealing with a timely matter, it’s better to postpone your submission until the next day.
Get good karma with high quality content and optimized submissions
As mentioned before, “karma” really is a thing on Reddit.dom. To prevent users from spamming the platform, the network came up with “karma” points. Every time a comment or link is voted up, the users get karma. If you submit too many irrelevant posts, you will definitely be down-voted by the community. Eventually, too many negative ratings will cause Reddit to limit the amount of content you can publish.

Hence, when cross-promoting your brand on the social platform you better place your bet on high quality content with added value and the interaction with other users, instead of simply pushing out your marketing message. Blog2Social helps you to meet the different requirements of each subreddit by providing the Custom Share & Scheduling feature. In a one-page overview you can add a custom comment to your Reddit post to address a specific audience and decide to which of your subscribed subreddits you would like to submit your blog post.
Blog2Social one-page overview: Add a custom comment to specifically address your subreddit

Blog2Social one-page overview: Add a custom comment to specifically address your subreddit

Flexibly select the subreddit you want to submit your blog post to

Flexibly select the subreddit you want to submit your blog post to

If you want to submit your posts to multiple subreddits at the same time, just add your Reddit profile several times by
Speed up your Reddit marketing with smart social media automation
If you already know your Redditors and subreddits and have the right content to enhance their discussions, you can apply the Blog2Social auto-poster to speed up your Reddit marketing and get it done in only a few clicks.

To do so, simply tick the Social Media Auto-Posting box in your WordPress editor to immediately share your post on Reddit and every other connected network. You can even set your Blog2Social to auto-post by default. This way your content will be posted to all your subreddits the very moment you publish a blog post on your blog.
Add your Reddit profile several times if you want to post to multiple subreddits.

Add your Reddit profile several times if you want to post to multiple subreddits.

Additionally, you can activate the auto-poster for blog posts you have not yet published but scheduled. Scheduled WordPress posts will be automatically shared to social media by  Blog2Social, as soon as they go online on your website. You can also set a date and time to pre-schedule the submission to your subreddits with the Blog2Social auto-posting feature.
How to build a community for your brand on Reddit
As mentioned before, Reddit is a great place to build a community for your brand. However, the Redditors are a tough crowd and tend to dislike obvious attempts of marketing. If you are too up front with your advertising, you will be mocked and, hence, create a negative experience for your brand.

Therefore, prevent posting in the biggest and most popular subreddits and rather look out for niche topics. Your company’s main goal on Reddit should be to add value to the users, instead of broadening your brand awareness. If you’ve already positioned your business on other platforms, Reddit could be the right place to communicate with your brand advocates and to build a community.

A good strategy for Reddit is to create your own subreddit for your brand. Small businesses should find some aspect related to their brand that users would like to discuss and be a part of. You can ask questions related to your field of expertise or call for the user’s input. Depending on your product, this could be pictures or peoples favorite brand related moments. The blog post 6 Ways to Use Reddit to Grow Your Business on the Social Media Examiner gives examples for successful marketing on Reddit.
Bottom line:
It’s definite: Reddit offers many opportunities for brands and businesses to interact and engage with their community. Connecting the social platform to your WordPress blog can be a great asset for your customer relations. If you submit content with added value, the passionate Redditors will love to engage in discussions with you. The WordPress plugin Blog2Social can help you build your Reddit community and entertain your subreddits with

Best Times Scheduler to hit Reddit’s rush hours
Custom Scheduling & Sharing and
the one-page overview to respond to your specific subreddits’ needs
auto-poster to speed up your Reddit marketing
as well as reporting and many other features

However, be always aware that you could fall in disgrace with your karma, so don’t spam.

Have you had any experience with driving a brand’s marketing and customer relations on Reddit? Do you have any tips or could share stories on bad experiences with the Redditors? Please, leave a comment! I am curious about your Reddit experience.

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