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Spectacular Bamboo Craft from Bafut by AMBEBI ALBERT CHE

Spectacular Bamboo Craft from Bafut by AMBEBI ALBERT CHE
At a time of duress, at a time of  emotional explosion, at a time of unfathomable pain, one thing remains untouched; craft. The beauty of man becomes unreasonably selfish when he lets the darkness in him overshadows craftsmanship. Our generation has experienced faults and folds of events that are enough to make the tides of our history sanguinary. To say the least, the Darwinian theories on evolution have proven true from one generation to the next, and it has always been the survival of the fittest. In this trying time, very few of our kind have stood their grounds, they are those whose craftsmanship have not been influenced by the unfavorable events dawning on us.

The work of Mr AMBEBI ALBERT CHE (https://www.facebook.com/ambebi.ambe) represents an almost lost craft that used to stand at the center of our being. Truth be told, the bamboo world and its craft is almost facing extinction. It's amazing to find a young man of our time who is still attached to the beauties of our culture. This represents a remedy to our pain, it represents hope to the forgotten history, and above all it is the beauty that we have been missing. Let's support this young craftsman and his craft by purchasing this beautiful piece of architectural excellence. It's cheaper than it's real value. It's a piece of beauty to keep us glued to our cultural values.

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