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Bleeding during pregnancy? Bleeding during the first weeks of pregnancy

Bleeding during pregnancy? Bleeding during the first weeks of pregnancy
Bleeding in pregnancy can be caused by many reasons. Some of these reasons are very serious, some are insignificant. Here are the reasons for bleeding in the first weeks, months and at the end of pregnancy:
The threat of miscarriage or low
Studies have found that approximately one in three pregnancies result in miscarriage during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Symptoms of miscarriage include vaginal bleeding, mild to severe abdominal cramps, back pain, and nausea.
Mol pregnancy
Mole pregnancy occurs when there is a problem with fertilization and abnormal cell development in the placenta. The probability of encountering this condition is 1-3 per 1000 pregnancies. Mole pregnancy usually causes bleeding during early pregnancy.
External pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy is the placement of a fertilized egg outside the uterus. The fallopian tubes are usually located. Ectopic pregnancies occur in one in every 100 pregnancies. Bleeding is one of the symptoms of this type of pregnancy, while other symptoms of this type of pregnancy are pain, fainting and nausea on one side of the abdomen.
Settlement bleeding
During pregnancy, the fetus (fertilized egg) looks for a place to settle in the uterus. During this placement of the fertilized egg (fetus), some vessels in the uterus can become stuck and bleeding may occur. Settlement bleeding comes in small amounts and its color is pinkish. Usually, this bleeding can be encountered 10 days after ovulation.
Menstruation during pregnancy
On menstruation is seen in pregnant women for a variety of reasons and very small amount of blood is called. The difference of this blood from menstruation is that the menstrual bleeding is greater and the clot comes from the clot. On the other hand, the amount of blood seen in menstruation is very small, drop by drop and pinkish color.
Infection of the cervix or vagina, or a sexually transmitted infection (such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, or herpes) may cause bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Urinary tract infection
Urinary tract infection can also cause vaginal bleeding during pregnancy. Untreated urinary tract infection can lead to premature birth and kidney damage. Urinary tract infection during pregnancy is treated with antibiotics that are safe to use during pregnancy.
Cervical Irritation
During pregnancy, the blood flow in the cervix accelerates and increases. Irritation in this area can easily lead to bleeding. Sexual intercourse during pregnancy is often enough to cause this irritation. If you experience bleeding after sexual intercourse, be sure to tell your doctor when you go. Sexually transmitted diseases can also cause such bleeding.
The baby's spouse is ahead (plesenta previa)
Bleeding is usually bright red and painless. Plesanta is partially or completely obstructing the entrance of the birth canal. This is serious and you should contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible. It occurs every 200 pregnancies.
Early separation of the placenta
It is the early separation of the placenta that feeds the baby from the mother's uterus wall, it may cause bleeding during pregnancy, and emergency intervention should be performed as the blood flow to the baby will decrease.
Early Birth
If the delivery began after the 20th week before the 37th week, a bloody discharge with mucous membranes with contractions may be a sign of preterm delivery.
Some of the possible causes of bleeding in later pregnancy are as follows:
Placenta Previa
Placental Separation
Rupture of the Fertilization Bed
Premature Birth Act
How does bleeding occur during pregnancy?
If you are bleeding during pregnancy, you should consult a Obstetrician. Your doctor will perform various tests and give you the necessary treatment.

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