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30 records in 30 days from 2 collections from one household, day 7: Alannah Myles, the debut album.

30 records in 30 days goes into the seventh round, with velvetish kisses and lots of love.
Here comes my musical coming out, part 4: Alannah Myles. Yes, every time when I look at this record, I am suprised that I like something like this. I probably bought the debut album in 1990 at the same time as I got my new stereo system (big amp, big speakers, crystal clear sound, mighty boom). I had my first decent apartment in Giesing and just about nine months working behind me.
My apartment heated up pretty quickly due to the large window areas and quickly became a 1.5-room-sauna in the summer. The rocking sound was a perfect match, embodying a vinyl-pressed, shimmering, leaden heat for me.
Black Velvet in particular reminds me of the days I spent sitting on my balcony, soaking wet, enjoying life at its best. Lazy and happy. My time at the university was over. I had already started to forget about my diploma thesis, exams and all the other stuff from my studies, and the doctoral thesis was still far away.
It was a wonderful time and the artist's sound has been inseparably linked to the mood I just described. Funnily enough, I remembered this only last year during the summer, which led to the re-procurement of this debut album as a digital download relatively quickly.
Stay tuned

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