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Auto-Scheduling and Sharing Blog Posts on Social Media

Cross-promoting blog posts across multiple social media channels is one of the best ways to gain more outreach and drive traffic to a blog. But, the process of manually sharing and customizing blog posts is elaborate and time consuming. The more networks bloggers aim to share their content to, the more time and effort it takes. Automation may help to get this task done more quickly and easily. However, successful social media posts are supposed to be personal and engaging to get likes and shares. Also timing can be crucial for social media posts to be noticed or go down in the endless stream of social media noise. Blasting out the same content to all networks at the same time may not achieve this goal.

Auto-optimizing and best-time-scheduling
The latest release of the WordPress plugin Blog2Social provides users with a re-engineered auto-posting and scheduling process. By automatically turning blog posts into the optimal format for each social network the plugin does all the tedious work for manually sharing and optimizing posts and images across various social platforms.
By automatically scheduling the social media posts for the best times to post on each network, the plugin supports bloggers and social media managers to get more outreach and visibility for the posts.
"We have done a bunch of research to set up a ready-to-use scheduler to posts automatically at the best time to post on each social network", so Melanie Tamble. The default time settings can be edited for each post and users can define and save their own best time settings.

Individual customizing and scheduling
Customizing posts with individual comments, hashtags or handles can add a personal and engaging touch to encourage followers to like, share or comment on posts.
"Our primary goal has been to develop a solution to automate the process of sharing, while safeguarding individual customization and scheduling. We wanted to take out the cons of robot-like broadcasting while maintaining the benefits of auto sharing. So we put much effort into optimizing posts automatically, while providing users with the option to customize posts according to their preferences", managing director Melanie Tamble comments.
A one-page preview pane with an editor function allows users to customize the posts for all selected networks in a one-step workflow. Users can choose the best-time scheduler provided by Blog2Social or set up their own best times settings according to what works best for them. All pre-defined time settings can be edited anytime. Posts can be scheduled posting for on a one-time or a recurring time scheme.

Re-sharing content and re-posting evergreen content recurringly
Every time a post is shared on a social network, only a fraction of followers will actually see it. So it might be a good idea to post content more than once. However, re-sharing content should be done carefully. There are implicit rules on how often to post on each network that vary from network to network. Whereas it is ok to post as many as 3-4 times per day on Twitter, doing the same on Facebook may result in annoying followers.
The new Blog2Social scheduling feature makes it easier to plan, share and re-share content recurringly: Users may
- select how many weeks a post should be published and select days and time.
- re-share content to a specific set of networks only.
- re-share evergreen content recurringly.
- share all of a post´s images on a successive plan.
- post in different groups with different comments.
All scheduling settings can be edited and saved as default for all networks.

Sharing to profile, pages, groups or multiple accounts
Blog2Social crossposts and cross-promotes blog posts to Twitter, Facebook (profiles, pages), Google+ (profiles, pages, groups), LinkedIn (profiles, pages), XING (profiles, pages, groups),Diigo and Delicious, posts images to Instagram, Flickr and Pinterest, and also re-publishes blog posts to Tumblr, Medium and Torial.

The new release allows users not only to choose multiple networks, but also select multiple accounts for each network, for example if users have multiple Twitter accounts or multiple Facebook pages they want to post to.

Social networks can be easily selected and connected with OAuth authentification. Once all the desired networks are connected they will show as default selection for all current sharing activities on the side panel of the preview page. Users can add, select or remove profiles, pages or groups for any current content sharing scheme.
In the Blog2Social settings users can pre-select and save various sets of networks or accounts for different content sharing purposes or re-sharing plans.

Regular user feedback confirms that the plugin saves an enormous amount of time and pain of manual sharing blog posts on social media. They also praise the easy and intuitive installation thanks to the easy to use installation, customization and scheduling process.

Blog2Social is free to use it for auto-sharing and customizing blog posts to social media. More elaborate features for sharing and scheduling can be accessed by the Blog2Social Premium upgrade anytime. All Premium features can be tested without obligations in a 30-days-trial.
Comprehensive feature overview

The Blog2Social plugin can be downloaded via Wordpress or via the Blog2Social website.
Plugin download via WordPress
Blog2Social website The WordPress social media plugin Blog2Social supports blogger with their social media management. Blog2Social posts to profiles, business pages, community pages and groups of their configured social networks. Optionally, posted messages can be customized for each network requirements with individual comments, hashtags, tags or @handles - all in one easy step and with one click only for more visibility and a personal and engaging touch. Blog2Social is free to use for auto-sharing and customizing blog posts to social media. More elaborate features for sharing and scheduling can be accessed with the Blog2Social Premium upgrade anytime. Currently you can test all the premium features of Blog2Social 30 days for free and without obligation: http://service.blog2social.com/en/trial The ADENION GmbH develops since 2000 online services for content marketing, online pr and social media and helps companies and agencies in their companies communication. Numerous well-known companies and agencies like Generali Versicherungen, Linda AG, Edelman or Havas Worldwide use for the efficient implementation of their communication tasks the useful services Blog2Social and CM-Gateway for the distribution of blog articles, social media news, images and documents of PR-Gateway for the distribution of press releases. Company-Contact
ADENION GmbH / Blog2Social
Melanie Tamblé
Merkatorstr. 2
41515 Grevenbroich
Phone: +49 2181 7569-277
Fax: +49 2181 7569-199
E-Mail: presseinfo@adenion.de
Url: www.blog2social.com

ADENION GmbH / Blog2Social
Stefan Müller
Merkatorstr. 2
41515 Grevenbroich
Phone: +49 2181 7569-277
Fax: +49 2181 7569-199
E-Mail: st.mueller@adenion.de
Url: www.blog2social.com