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Windows 11 update from Microsoft - Check this out

Windows 11 update from Microsoft - Check this out
Windows 11 update is it true?? The answer is here

Windows 11 update from Microsoft, as all are expecting now. But the question is when is the next update from Microsoft. According to the sources, Microsoft representative jerry Nixon, Microsoft developer evangelist has told that windows 10 will be the final version of windows. They will work on the windows 10 and make it more stable through software updates. Their main intention is instead of releasing entirely different version of windows operating system, they are going to give regular improvements in their present operating system through windows updates. They just want to follow the Apple-like strategy in their windows operating system.They don't want to jump into the new operating system again. Already many people are talking about windows 11 concept. If you have wanna know how to install windows from scratch 

Windows Free Upgrade

Windows 11 update has not yet confirmed as Microsoft want to work on windows 10 Windows 11 updateOperating system. They wanted to make it more stable through software updates. We all know that Licensed owners of windows 7 and 8 got the free update from Microsoft. Microsoft wants to deliver the operating system as a service from windows 10. Microsoft wants to make the present OS more stable. Because its latest Operating system is not widely reached to the people. They are putting a lot of efforts to make windows 10 widely reached.

Microsoft is now implementing a mobile-first approach. This is implemented in mobile operating systems. Here the core components are split up to give faster software updates. It means the start menu and other applications are unbundled from the main operating system. Software updates will be faster installed than usual. This approach is used by smartphone manufacturers. They used to update different core applications in the smartphone like camera, dialer and other applications. These applications are unbundled from the main operating system. Entire Operating system update not required when we want to update some part. This part of part update strategy will have great advantages in terms of time consumption for the update.windows 11 beta is expected first as a preview.

Microsoft is attempting to reach maximum computers with Windows 10.They want to word on Windows 10 and make it stable. We can drop the thought of windows 11 update till the Microsoft gives the official announcement about it.

Will there be windows 11?? - Maybe, but not till 2017

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