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10 Foods you didn't know could kill you [1]

10 Foods you didn't know could kill you

We all know the dangers and health risks of eating junk food, yet we fill our faces with the wrong things.


Not every mushroom is made equal. Crimini mushrooms can make perfect pasta toppers, but some species contain poison that can kill.


The juicy, red fruit contains a poison, glycocaloid in its leaves, which causes stomach irritation, severe cramps, and anxiety. So clean with leaves and stems.

Rhubarb Leaves

Rhubarb can bake all kinds of delicious sweets, but the leaves are poisonous, causing shortness of breath, seizures, deteriorating kidneys and in some cases death.


One of the most common allergies is peanuts. The most severe reaction is anaphylaxis, which can cause severe blockage of the airways, shock, and even loss of consciousness. It is dangerous that if left untreated can lead to death, so know your allergies before stepping anywhere near these babies or their addictive friend, Peanut Butter.

Raw meat and uncooked egg

Raw meat - which includes red meat, poultry and seafood - and uncooked eggs may contain Salmonella bacteria, which can cause gastroenteritis in humans. Salmonella poisoning can also lead to serious complications, such as bacteriogenesis (when Salmonella enters the bloodstream) that is life-threatening for people with weakened immune systems. So burn a flame under your flesh to avoid any risk.


This seed (no, it is not really a nut) may pack in many health benefits - but they are potentially poison-laden. Bitter almonds, while in their raw form, are loaded with cyanide. They have to undergo a special heat treatment (more than just roasting your DIY oven) to remove toxins.

Stone Fruit Seeds and Apple Seeds

Apples and stone fruits - cherries, plums, apples, pears, peaches and apricots - are nature's candies, but stay away from seeds (as well as bark and leaves). They contain amygdalin, a compound that produces cyanide. Much doses can lead to vomiting and dizziness, increased blood pressure, coma, kidney failure, and even death.

Fugu (puffer fish)

Puffer fish skin and some organs contain a highly toxic toxin that can cripple a human and even cause death.


This pear shaped fruit needs to ripen completely, as it contains toxins that can cause death. The US Imports of raw fruit are banned in India, but you can buy it canned.

Kidney and Lima Beans

These beans are good for you, unless they are prepared incorrectly. Soak red kidney beans for several hours to remove leaks, which can kill cells in your stomach, and thoroughly cook and dry lima beans to get rid of the chemical compound, linamarin, which is converted to hydrogen cyanide. Can change.

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