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Truckers, Family & Friends: Social Media Will Not Solve Your Problems!

Truckers, Family & Friends: Social Media Will Not Solve Your Problems

by PD McCloud

It's sometimes odd, the things you hear truckers, or their family members say or ask on social media. I've been watching many of the group discussions in some of the different trucker oriented groups on Facebook and have found some really unnecessary questions and comments.

Just yesterday, one person wrote that she is concerned about the fact that her boyfriend doesn't want to talk to her on the phone when he's out on the road. It seems he feels that home is home, on the road is on the road and the two shouldn't mix. She was asking if other drivers have the same situation. What do you suppose the reply was most offered to this person?

An overwhelming majority suggested he had someone, or something else going on, i.e. lot lizards, other girlfriends. You get the idea. Here's the problem with these kinds of questions: they get more of the kinds of answers you don't want to hear than responses that might be positive and helpful.

Facebook groups regarding truckers are full of these kinds of questions, and answers. I'm always amazed that people would air out their personal problems in an environment where no one is really known to one another. I mean, really, how many of your friends on social media do you really know? I mean, how many of you have had face to face contact with social media friends?

Alright, I get it. There are a few, a very few, of you who are quite cautious about who you accept as a friend on social media. But there are thousands more who will accept just about anyone who sends a "friend" request without knowing who it is that's making the request. And then, the groups! Oh my gosh! There are thousands upon thousands of unknowns taking part in these groups.

For the sake of argument, let's say you know 10% of those you converse with in any given group. That's a full 90% who are reading your question that don't know you. Do you really think that you'll get a reliable, or even intelligent response to your question or problem from that 90 percent? Probably not. Instead, you'll get responses like the person I referenced above. This does nothing to help you. In fact, it's more likely to confuse and/or scare the crap out of you. You'll begin to fear the worst. You'll likely carry that over into future efforts to solve your problem, or get an answer to your question from the person you should really be asking.

Social media has created an environment that enables us to get any answer to any question. Both right and wrong ones. Unfortunately, the kinds of questions being asked are all to often prime fodder for lewd and unhealthy response givers. Yes, what they may be telling you could be true. However, don't you owe it to yourself to find out answers to these kinds of questions from the person you fear may be avoiding you or otherwise causing you to have these kinds of questions?

We truckers who are gone from their family and friends for long periods of time need to be more considerate of those we've left behind. I don't care that you don't want to deal with it while on the road, but you chose this profession and the least you could do is converse with those who wait at home for your safe return.

For those of you who do keep in touch with your family and friends while on the road, Kudos! Really, it's as hard on them being without you in the home all the time as it is for you to be away from them!

Just my opinion!

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