Julia von Winterfeldt


Julia von Winterfeldt

  • wisdom
  • talent
  • digital transformation
  • leadership
  • mindfulness
  • life purpose
  • purposeful leadership
  • company purpose
  • brand purpose
  • organisational structures of the future
  • the future organistaion

Über mich

I am a change-maker, a solopreneur, a digital junkie, someone who wants to make the world a greater place, a yogini and yoga teacher, and a seeker of truth. As a former digital expert, client partner, MD and recently GM of a 70+ person ideas and innovation company, I worked for 18+ years for four globally recognised design and technology consultancies - Pixelpark, SapientNitro, Accenture, AKQA - out of Germany, US and UK. Engaging with people, inspiring diverse teams and unleash their potential, drive more thought, more creativity, more ideas than what is perceived possible, is what has always motivated me. It is incredibly satisfying to see individuals eyes shine, when there is belief and imagination is bringing ideas to life. The biggest lesson I have so far learned is to know: Only you are responsible for what you can achieve and make happen in this world. Next to currently establishing my own company, I sit on the board of the GWA (gwa.de - German Association of Communications Agencies), leading efforts in bringing junior talent into the communications and media industry.