Jakob Vicari

Lead Creative Technologist tactile.news, Lüneburg

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Venturing into a New World of Journalism

We live in a world of connected devices and things. What does that mean for journalism? Jakob Vicari is on the lookout for new stories, strategies and prototypes for tomorrow's journalism. His blog "Journalism of Things: Strategies for Journalism 4.0" documents his search and discoveries in the realms of the 'Journalism of Things' (JoT), serving as a glimpse into the future.

This is my testimony: One time, two years ago, I had a four-hour conversation with a Hello Barbie doll. Until this day, I am amazed by all the things she had to tell me about American history, the protection of elephants and the consequences of globalisation. I found a sophisticated mind in the body of a plastic doll. Though that might sound insane, please believe that I am not. The inanimate world around us is awakening. Sensors are turning the inventory of our lives into witnesses of our everyday - every shoe, every mixer, every fitness tracker. This network of things around us feeds a global network with recordings and data. Business models are founded on the analysis of these data masses. The 'Internet of Things' (IoT) is being born in front of our eyes. Swiftly and rapidly, it is taking over our everyday lives. Journalist Alex Handy has recently predicted that not too far into the future, we will be referring to the Internet of Things simply as 'Things'. I think he is right.

"The Internet of Things is slowly working its way into our lives, to the point where we'll just call them Things." Alex Handy, Journalist Zum Original