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Folic Acid For Weight Loss

Losing weight is a difficult thing for most people who want to get in shape. After all, checking your weight is not just for your health, but it also covers various aspects like your appearance, confidence levels and self esteem. So when it comes to losing weight, people are ready to try anything from home remedies to surgical methods. Folic acid is one thing that has come up recently and is still under many controversies.

 Folic Acid

Folic acid is a member of Vitamin B. More specifically, vitamin B9 is known as Folic Acid. Folic Acid in its most natural form is known as Folate. Folic acid is water soluble and is vital for the metabolic functions of the body. Birth defects in babies, such as the spine and brain, can be prevented if the pregnant woman takes a sufficient amount of folic acid before and during pregnancy.

Functions of Folic Acid:

Below are some vital functions of folic acid, which automatically reveals its importance in our body.

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