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7 Good Habits For Healthy Teeth

7 Good Habits For Healthy Teeth
1. Drink plenty of water
This is useful because when you drink water, there is washing and self-cleaning of the body. Dehydration leads to a lack of saliva, which washes the mouth, helping to clean teeth from plaque.
2. Use Straw For Soda and Juices Juices
If you like carbonated drinks and freshly squeezed juices, it's best to drink them through a straw, since they have a sour environment. The straw helps to protect the teeth from its impact. Also after drinking these drinks, rinse your mouth with clean water.

Soda contains orthophosphoric acid. This substance deprives enamel of minerals that give it strength. After the action of an acid in the enamel, micropores appear, it becomes like a porous sponge, into which pathogenic microbes and bacteria easily penetrate.

Also in carbonated drinks, there is a lot of sugar. For example, in a glass of Cola contains about 5-6 tablespoons. For the assimilation of sugar, the body needs calcium and B-group vitamins. These substances, he takes from the tissues of the teeth. Therefore, they are destroyed by the excess of sweet.

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