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8 Bad Things That Actually Strengthen Relationships

There are too many stereotypes stuck in our consciousness about the "right" connection between two people. For this reason, we want to present the "bad" interactions that are really good for your relationships.

relationship hands in hand

1. Conflicts

When there is a conflict in a relationship, it does not trust it. If you keep your feelings for yourself, you can not change anything. Arguments help drive out anger and share what you do not like with your partner. This way you can find the other's weaknesses and get better understood.

Following the psychological rules of argument is important. This means respecting your partner. You must understand that the conflict is local and limited, while your relationship is valuable. Do not talk about your partner but yourself (For example, do not say, "You are so irresponsible!" And "I'm disappointed.")

2. Flirting

Flirting with other people helps to maintain sexual attraction. During flirting we feel careless and attractive. This increases our mood and self-esteem. It is important to bring positive energy into your relationship.

How do you know if you crossed the border? Psychologists recommend the following: If you think that the words you say or the things you do are hurting your partner, then you are crossing the limit of admission. If, however, you behave in a similar way in his presence, then everything is fine.

3. Healthy Selfishness

To maintain a healthy relationship, it is important to take care of yourself and to stand firmly on the ground (and respect the same wishes of your partner). Put restrictions (what to tolerate and what not) and create your own space with interests and hobbies outside the relationship.

Otherwise, the accumulation of unnecessary attacks and dissatisfaction is inevitable. You may find yourself in a situation where it is difficult for you to live together.

4. Experience the Difficulties

Every single couple goes through crises sooner or later. They are described in many textbooks of classical psychology. That is why it is important to learn to experience difficulties, conflicts, dissatisfaction and waiting, not to shake the door or to collapse under the slightest sign of difficulty.

5. Consent to comply with a certain distance

If you are together always and everywhere, then your relationship will definitely become less passionate and even boring. The two separate "I" become the all-encompassing "we" to make you accept your partner as yourself and leave your relationship uninteresting and interested.

All family psychologists recommend couples take a break from each other. Separation, even temporary, is always followed by a happy gathering. Remember that there is freedom "from" and then there is freedom "for", and these are two very different things.

6. Do not share everything

Sharing the whole truth can be a stupid decision. Otherwise, we will not keep our jobs, have friends, or build a healthy relationship: "My mother thinks you do not understand anything." andThese are not words you have to say to your mate. If you value your partner, then choose your words correctly. Some things should not be mentioned at all."You've grown fat after pregnancy ." 

7. Stuck firmly on the ground

We say goodbye to our hobbies and friends or we adapt to the interests of our partner to build a harmonious relationship. As a result, we are those who reject their individuality and accumulate bad feelings and emotions that may emerge in a subsequent conflict.

Every sacrifice is a kind of emotional outburst that reflects relationships: when a person sacrifices, he expects his partner to do the same.

8. Excessive care of the partner

Being fully committed to your partner, knowing his desires, being loving - in other words, being a good parent is not an option at all. This leads to:

Irritation: Women need a man, not a father, and a strong sex partner, not a dull mother.
Extinguishing sparks: If you show parental love and concern, you may be subconsciously perceived as a parent.

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