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How Pets Can Improve Your Health

How Pets Can Improve Your Health

Pets can improve your health If we could read the mind of an animal we would find truths and happiness. There are some ways in which pets can improve your health.

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Stay Well with Your Animal:-

No doubt about it: Animals can make people feel good. And your favorite ones can also help you stay well.  You may be surprised at just how many ways a pets can improve your health.

Mood Boost:-

It only takes a few minutes with a dog or cat or watching fish swim to feel calmer and less stressed. Your body actually goes through physical changes in that time that make a difference in your mood. The level of cortisol, a stress hormone, lowers. And serotonin, a feel-good chemical your body makes, rises.

Lower Cholesterol:-

You watch what you eat and work out. If you also have a pet, there could be a cholesterol perk. People who have pets tend to have better levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, compared to people who don’t. The reason for that isn’t clear. Part of it could be the more active lifestyle that comes with having pets.

Help your Heart:-

People with cats and dogs may have some heart benefits.  In a 20-year study, people who never owned a cat were 40% more likely to die of a heart attack than those who had. Another study found that dog owners had a better survival rate one year after a heart attack. Overall, pet owners are less likely to die of any cardiac disease, including heart failure.

Ease Depression:-

No one loves you more unconditionally than your pet. It could even help you deal with and recover from depression. Your pet will listen to you talk for as long as you want to talk. You’ll probably feel calmer when you pet a cat or dog. And taking care of an animal walk with it, groom it, play with it takes you out of yourself and helps you feel better about the way you spend your time.

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Boost your Fitness:-

If you have a dog, you’re probably more active than someone who doesn’t have one. A daily 30-minute walk with your pooch helps keep you moving. Two 15-minute walks, one in the morning and one in the evening, do the same thing. Add in a game of fetch in the back yard with your dog and you’ll be even more fit.

More Connection with Pets Can Improve Your Health:-

One key to a healthy mind is to stay engaged with others. And pet owners tend to want to talk with other pet owners. A dog is a conversation waiting to happen. People, especially those with dogs, will stop and talk with you when they see you walking your pet. Go to a dog park to socialize with other owners while your pets play.

Fewer Allergies, Strong Immunity:-

When children grow up in a home with a dog or cat they are less likely to develop allergies. The same is true for kids who live on a farm with large animals. Higher levels of certain immune system chemicals show a stronger immune system, which will help keep them healthy as they get older.

Stronger Bones:-

Walking your dog counts as a weight-bearing exercise that strengthens your bones and the muscles around them. It also lets you spend time in the sun, which provides vitamin D. If you have osteoporosis, use a short leash that won’t get tangled. And don’t walk a dog that is liable to jump on you and make you lose your balance.

pets can improve your health

Seizer Dogs:-

These dogs have been trained to live and work with people who have epilepsy. Some are trained to bark and alert the parents when a child has a seizure outside or in another room. Some lie next to or on a person having a seizure to prevent injury (as seen in this demonstration). And some work has been done training dogs to warn before a seizure happens. This gives the person time to lie down or move away from a dangerous place such as a hot stove.

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