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Hilarious comedy album, "Dopamine."

New Comedy Album from Greg Edwards, Dopamine!

Greg Edwards has a new Album!

If you're like us, you're tired of the ordinary, especially in comedy. We're tired of the same ole' jokes about the same ole' topics, well, Greg Edwards is changing that. If you've heard the BlackStage Stage podcast from Wisecrack, you already know what's up. If not, you're in for a treat. Greg is a different kind of dude and his new album, "Dopamine" is a different kind of comedy album. Whereas most comics try to 'shock and awe' audiences with disjointed and outlandish rants, Greg has compiled a coherent comedy album that changes the game.

What's in Dopamine?

Greg Edwards, a 16-year vet of stand-up is a teflon joke writer with an unforgettable voice and lovable magnetism. Greg has a knack for finding unique angles, true-to-life perspectives, and subverted expectations that makes audiences double-over in tears. "Dopamine" is unconventional, and underground. It's addictive and it delivers the comical high we all crave, to put it simply, "Dopamine" is dope. Click the link and check it out.
It’s easy to take Greg Edward’s gregarious and welcoming demeanor for granted. Don’t get it twisted: Dopamine is often blue, dark, rugged and raw. Greg’s Californian styled open-mindedness is the perfect compliment to his East-Coast upbringing. The clever clash of  ball-busting bravado and Cali Love makes Greg jovial yet incendiary. He’s sincere and light-hearted with loads of comical contradictions, challenges and reassurances. "Dopamine" offers poignant insight wrapped in infinite possibility, Greg’s sense of humor diffuses malice and eases tension, giving every listener exactly what he/she needs. Greg tells the truth with lies and reminds us not to take anything too seriously, even during tough, yet pivotal—perfectly composed punchlines.

Dopamine is Pure Comedy

"Dopamine" gives space, logic, and thoughtfulness to weird, grim impulses and emotional upheaval, its pure pulpy goodness. While most comedy albums feel like boilerplates of recycled premises and loosely connected slices of stale humor, "Dopamine" is a fresh consortium of tightly packed bits, and well-crafted vignettes. As a result, listeners are reminded of real stand-up comedy, an authentic recording containing crowd interactions, comedy club naturalism, and raw, electric comedy.
Greg Edwards is a master of expression, and "Dopamine" is brilliantly composed. Don't take our word for it, check it out yourself.

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