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Truck Drivers Are Under Attack

Truck Drivers Are Under Attack
by PD McCloud

A flyer has emerged in the Rochelle, Illinois area that is quite disturbing. Evidently, there is at least one resident in the area where a new Love's truck stop is planned for construction. Due to the size of the image, enlarging it creates nothing but a blur, so, I will attempt to recreate it below.

truck drivers


Love's Travel Center Coming to I-88 and 251
Dear neighbor,

I am writing to you today with concerns of Love's putting in a truck stop in our area.

Living near the proposed site I am concerned about myself and my neighbor's safety and standard of living. Truck drivers do not care about the towns they visit and are at times downright rude.

Expect the following.

Lower property value
Increased truck traffic 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
17 acres can accommodate at least 50 trucks plus off-ramp parking
Noise pollution with increased Jake brake usage
Light pollution from the parking lot
Drug trafficking
Increased law enforcement
Home invasion from drifters
FBI makes connection between long-haul truckers, serial killings

Any concerns contact me at stoploves251@gmail.com

The flyer then suggests attending the Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting on Monday, Dec. 4th at 6pm to oppose.

I'm assuming the person responsible for distributing this flyer has either:

had a bad experience with a truck driver
has been watching too much television
is an alarmist who loves to scream the sky is falling
is a liberal retard who, like most lib's, talk out their ... you know where
all of the above

I will agree with the distributor of this flyer though on some points. Sometimes property values are decreased, but I doubt it has anything to do with a truck stop being in the area. And yes, at times a truck driver may be rude. But, at times, people like this can be rude too. In fact, that's exactly what they are being in creating this flyer. But that's about where any agreement we may share stops.

Truck drivers are not the cause of increased drug trafficking ... the drugs are already there, you've just failed to acknowledge it, or are seriously blinded by the drug problem in your own neighborhood.
Truckers do not bring in prostitutes. In fact, in some areas with truck stops, many driver's can be credited  for a reduction in prostitution due to the well-known Truckers Against Trafficking efforts.
Truckers do not bring in drifters, and are not the cause of home invasions.
Truck drivers are not serial killers! We are hard-working Americans who have families and people who rely on us, just as you do!

In fact, if it wasn't for trucks coming to your town, you'd have a very hard time getting the things you need to live on. Truck drivers are people who have chosen a profession that makes sure you have what you want or need, when you want or need it.

To the resident of Rochelle, IL who's responsible for this flyer, we are not your biggest problem. You are your biggest problem! Want safer roads? We need safe places to park and rest — truck stops provide that. Don't want trucks in your town? Tell that to the manufacturers, medical facilities, stores and shops who get thier supplies by truck!

Without trucks and thier drivers, you'd have nothing!

Author Note:
I am using the email address the creator of this flyer provided to sent them a link to this response. Please use the comment box, below to voice your opinion regarding this article.

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