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Cheese and Peppers: EggBacon or EggSausage on Muffin with Regular Coffee £3.50

Cheese and Peppers: EggBacon or EggSausage on Muffin with Regular Coffee £3.50
#EggBacon or #EggSausage on Muffin with Regular Coffee £3.50 #ShopLocal #eatlocal #localcafe #CityofLondon #MealDeal
Cheese and Peppers #CityCafe is bustling, cosy, friendly cafe in the heart of the City of London near Monument tube station - We have been taking care of hungry City workers and visitors in the Square Mile for 30 years. We are a privately owned independent eatery.
Cheese and Peppers
11 Eastcheap #CityofLondon EC3M 1BN
To order call +442076238673
or email cheeseandpeppers@outlook.com
#CheesePeppers #EggBacon or #EggSausage on Muffin with Regular Coffee £3.50 - #CheesePeppers is a bustling, cosy, friendly cafe located in the heart of the #CityofLondon near #Monument tube station on #CheapsideLondon - Follow #CheesePeppers for #specialoffer #MealDeal #chicken #vegan #GlutenFree #CityCafe #CityofLondonLocals #KeepThingsLocal #ShopLocal #eatlocal #localcafe

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