1 abonnement et 5 abonnés
Édition spéciale

I Don‘t Want It In My Body

Einführungstext und „Enzyklopädie auf Speed“ für das Fanzine zur Ausstellung (2019) der Künstlerinnen Barbara Lüdde und Corrina Goutos zur neuen Generation Techno.


The music blasts with 135 beats per minute, then with 190. It warms the body with its spherical sound. Then it hits the abdomen like a whip. The beat pushes, pulls and convulses those who are moving to it – everyday, in any given club in the city.

In a high-tech world, the so-called millennials celebrate exhilaration, searching for an escape from their isolation and at the same time to distance themselves from mainstream society. Only those who are privy to them can read the habitus and social codes they display.

Jewellery and object artist Corrina Goutos and visual artist Barbara Lüdde archive these fleeting troupes of coolness. With their exhibition »I Don’t Want It In My Body« they commemorate an era of indifferent indulgence and a youth torn between prosperity and sadness, disposable culture and climate protection, self-documentation and the search for the truth.

To resist the opposing pressures that play upon them, the new “generation techno” descends into trance, breaking free from the uniformity around them. In a digitalized world, terror and fake news encircle the construct of identity. The unrestricted nature of techno culture presents an alternative to the downward spiral. Goa and Gabber form the delirious soundtrack of this trip. While psytrance is rich with spiritual sensuality, hardcore stands for the synthesis of man and machine.

Corrina Goutos creates future artefacts of millennial youth: capturing objects of desire before their obsoletion. Daily goods, like headphones, car rims and lighters, fuse with sacred objects of American or Australian natives. Commenting on the commodification of cultures and how an object’s meaning is lost or redefined in the 21st century. Barbara Lüdde creates portraits of individuals who come across fearless original, but at second glance, deeply fragile. With her drawings, she captures defining moments in the formation of identity and gender, the urge to belong – satisfied through habits of consumption, and the urge to deviate from the path.

The title of the exhibition »I Don’t Want It In My Body« contextualizes this search for identity between adoption and alienation. The body becomes a showcase for the individual’s attitude, a bin for the rubbish of consumer society and the holy temple of self-determined being.

Text: Lena Frommeyer
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