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27 Undeniable Benefits Of Being Single

Pictures: BuzzFeed/Nora Marleen

1. Instead of tolerating itchy or uncomfy lingerie, you can just wear all of your favorite granny panties every day of the week without feeling bad.

2. You can sleep soundly at night, knowing that nobody is A) snoring next to you, B) waiting for you to text them back, or C) cheating on you. Bliss!

3. You can watch whatever shows you want, when you want. You don't have to wait for someone else to "catch up" first, or to watch something together!

4. You can pick your nose or fart as loudly as you want when you're in bed.

5. You're only responsible for your own orgasms, so you don't have to make any compromises.

6. You can eat whatever you want, both at home and when you're dining out. You don't have to think about anyone else's dietary restrictions or preferences!

7. Instead of spending your money on condoms, you can use that money to buy literally anything else.

8. You don't have to spend your weekends at someone else's obligatory family celebrations or friend group hangs.

9. You can make out with ANYONE, at any time. It's the best.

10. Your social calendar is wide open, and you don't have to feel bad about not having the time to see old or new friends.

11. You don't really have to pay attention to your body hair.

12. You don't have to worry about getting a UTI every month.

13. Your "Never Have I Ever" game is always way more interesting than your coupled-up friends' stories.

14. Instead of dedicating precious mental space to worrying about your relationship, you can think about anything and everything else.

15. You can go on vacation whenever you want, because you don't have to coordinate it with somebody else's schedule.

16. There's no pressure to make big plans for every weekend or for the big holidays.

17. You can spend a lot less money on presents in general.

18. You can move whenever you want — apartments, neighborhoods, even countries! — without having to consider how it would affect anyone else.

19. You only have to clean up your own mess in your apartment.

20. The bed is all yours.

21. When you're on vacation, you only have to do what you want to do.

22. You never have to tiptoe around event invitations to figure out if you have to bring a +1.

23. You never – EVER – have to share your food...

24. Or cook for anyone else!

25. Unlike people in relationships, you're not constantly being questioned about when the wedding or first child is due.

26. You don't have to set aside any night as "date night."

27. And finally, you can masturbate wheneeeeever you want.

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