Julian Bernstein


Julian Bernstein


Since 2020, I have been reporting from Paris as an independent journalist for important German-language media outlets. Before that, I have worked for three years as a foreign correspondent in Montréal (Canada), from where I reported on a wide range of topics. To name just a few: I have covered the various cultural conflicts in the province of Québec, the dubious activities of Canadian mining companies in Africa and South America, the growing Chinese influence in Canada and its implications for Uyghurs and other Chinese dissidents, the migrant crisis in Québec in 2017 and many more.

In 2018, I was awarded the German Alternative Media Prize for my extensive research about the long-hidden Nazi past of the former minister-president of Saarland, Franz Josef Röder. The prize goes to journalists "who view our world critically and from an unusual perspective".

I hold a M.A. in History, French Cultural Studies and French Literature from Saarland University, Saarbruecken (Germany).


Phone: (+49) 1578 1533130
Signal: (+1) 514 291 5036
[email protected]


DIE ZEIT , DW , Jungle World , Jüdische Allgemeine , NZZ , RTBF , SR 2 , Saarbrücker Hefte , WDR 3 , Woxx , der Freitag , derstandard.at , deutschlandfunk.de , faz.net