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Christian vs. Biblical Christian - a difference?

Christian vs. Biblical Christian - a difference?

Why do we at BCWorldview.org feel a need to differentiate between "Christian" and "Biblical Christian"? What's the difference between the two? Isn't the word "Biblical" redundant? Sadly, in post-Christian America, the answer is no. Definitions of words are changing rapidly.

First Example

Twenty years ago, the word "Fundamentalist" was reserved strictly as a short version of "Fundamentalist Christian". Likewise, YourDictionary continues to define "Fundamentalism" as "a form of Christianity where the Bible is taken literally and obeyed in full". However, with the rise of the Jihadist movement, "fundamentalist" has been redefined more popularly as "Islamic Fundamentalist".

Second Example

Another example that more specifically outlines the need for clarity by adding the word "Biblical" in front of "Christian" has to do with how soft our culture has become in defining what it means to be a Christian. Twenty years ago, Mormons were very clear in their promotional material that they were not Christians. This was due to past clarity in the general populace in understanding what it meant to be a Christian, in particular a "born-again" Christian. However, in our current post-Christian culture, the LDS church has become much more willing to use "Christian" as a marketing tool to attract converts.

Today, if one types into a Google search, "Are Mormons Christian?", the first, top of the page result is a quote from Luther College. Interestingly, Luther refers to themselves as having a "progressive understanding of Christianity." Not surprisingly, they offer an unchallenged explanation of the Mormon faith by saying, “The Church of the Latter-day Saints (LDS) is the fourth largest in the US and the fastest-growing. The Saints or Mormons as they are referred to by church outsiders, assert that they are Christian as they believe in the Jesus Christ of the Bible."

Mormons themselves directly assert that they are Christians on their website. The second return from Google is the LDS Official website which further clarifies their position as, “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a Christian church but is neither Catholic nor Protestant…” Again, this demonstrates the need to be more specific in clarifying the theological stance of our website (BCWorldview.org) as representing a Biblical Christian Worldview.

Third Example

A final example demonstrating the need for adding the term "Biblical" comes from Dr. Emanuel Cleaver. You may remember the controversy associated with the invocation of the 117th Congress in January of 2021. That morning, Dr. Clearer closed his prayer by stating the infamous words "Amen and Awomen".

What was missing from all the clamor was the rest of his concluding remarks. I wrote a blog expanding on how his reference to "Brahma" (one of the three gods of Hinduism) was unbiblical. In that same sentence, he added: "in the name of the monotheistic God". This would have been just another example of false theology except for the fact that Dr. Cleaver had served for 37 years as Sr. Pastor of St. James United Methodist Church and has a Masters Degree from a Methodist Seminary.


The words "Biblical Christian" define a true believer. They include an understanding of Jesus Christ and the Trinity, a recognition of God as omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent, and an acceptance of the Bible as inerrant in its original writings and having supreme authority. The term also recognizes man as a sinner, saved by God's grace and mercy. Our "Belief" page provides a clearer picture of the fundamentals of a Biblical Christian Worldview. And the most important eternal life-changing experience one can have is to be born-again.

2 Timothy 3:1-5 ESV

"But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power."

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