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United Nations General Assembly Begins Meeting Again

United Nations General Assembly Begins Meeting Again

The first meeting of the United Nations General Assembly since COVID took place this week. Intended on being a unifying event after so much isolation for more than a year, it instead deteriorated into a list of troubles unprecedented since World War 2. Topics included climate change, the disparity between wealthy and poor nations regarding the availability of vaccines, North Korea, Afghanistan, racism (Zionism), the rising cold war between the US and China. Quotes from world leaders included, 

- China’s President Xi Jinping, “The world has entered a period of new turbulence and transformation.”
- Costa Rica President Carlos Quesada, “The future is raising its voice at us:”
- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, “The world must wake up… Our world has never been more threatened or more divided…. We face the greatest cascade of crises in our lifetimes… we are on the edge of the abyss and moving in the wrong direction… a surge of mistrust and misinformation (that) is polarizing people and paralyzing societies.”

As Biblical Christians, where are we on God’s timeline? Do we have thousands of years ahead of us, generations after generations before End Times or are these truly the last days? The Lord makes it clear in His Word that we should not obsess over the date of His arrival (Matt. 24:42) but always be ready for it (Matt. 24:36,44). The harvest is ripe and we are its laborers (John 4:35). 

Jeff Hilles | BCWorldview.org

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