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Healthy Eating is Not a Diet, But a Way of Life [1]

Healthy lifestyle is the best health insurance

Crash diets can do more harm to you than good. Eating right and not less is the key to successful, sustainable and healthy weight loss. Your body is designed for survival. The moment you starve it, it gets signal of a famine like situation. In such cases, body is engineered to consume more than the actual limit when you eat. Your body also lacks the energy to break down fats in your body, which also is activity! Short-term, quick fix approaches can leave us with unwelcome symptoms like headaches, lethargy, and terrible mood swings. Should not going on a diet make you feel better? Getting healthy and losing weight are not synonymous. All fat are not unhealthy and all thin are not healthy.

You will see all over the town weight loss advertisements to look great. Is a short-term approach to weight loss the right way? Anything that comes easy will not always be right. Weight loss is the outcome and the reason can be anything from starving to having a disease that causes weight loss. A healthy lifestyle will automatically create weight loss as one of the many other benefits you can have that your body is capable of giving.

Instead of increasing metabolism, these diets actually do the opposite - they trigger hunger and slow down metabolism. Repeated crash dieting can harm your heart, increasing heart palpitations and stress.

Be a healthy eater and not an unkind dieter.


Drastic change in diet and lifestyle does not work in the long run, and leads to withdrawal symptoms. Eating healthy food should not involve losing your mind over it. Boost your energy, lose pounds,feel happier than ever with these lifestyle changing, healthy tips.

You can eat all the foods that you enjoy, but the key is to limit your quantities into smaller portions. Strict limitations in your diet can lead to rebound and you end up overeating. Nsingle that supplies all the nutrients required for a good, so it is essential toa variety offor different vitamins nutrients.

Food that is uninteresting to the taste buds is not likely to remain in your routine for long. Try to make healthy food interesting and tasty, and that way you are more likely to stick to it.

Eliminate Distractions While You Eat:

While eating, it is tempting to sit in front of a computer screen or a television or and binge on your favorite series. However, it is not at all healthy. Watching shows while having your dinner may whet your appetite and make you over eat, especially if you are watching something with many commercial breaks in between. Same thing happens when remain engaged with your smartphone while having food. This in turn leads to weight gain. You must instead have your meal with a family member or friend and catch up with them over lunch and dinner.

Be a smart shopper by planning your meals in advance and sticking to your shopping list. Avoid picking up junk food or processed food. Read the labels on the food and watch out for high sugar, saturated fats, preservatives and high sodium content in packaged foods.

5. Lunch like a king and dine like a pauper

Eating veggies in a variety of colors gives us a wide range of essential phyto-nutrients and antioxidants, and will give a boost to body's immunity.

Completely giving up sugars and breads, eating only vegetables in dinner is not the perfect plan. Try to be realistic and make a plan that you can follow through.

When dehydrated, the body often confuses thirst with hunger. Being hydrated keeps you full for longer time and helps avoid overeating.

Choosing whole fruits instead of juices gives you all the necessary nutrients present in these fruits, including fibers that help in preventing sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. Avoid fruits with high sweetness. It is natural sugar, but it is SUGAR.

Just like your car needs right fuel to give the performance you expect, your body too is a machine with endless potential to help you achieve the best in life. All truly successful people eat healthy and live healthy. So treat it with right nutrition and see its beauty unfold.

Eating healthy and clean is something that you should inculcate into your daily lives, not just, because it helps you to lose weight, but also because it guarantees that you stay fit inside out and keep diseases and illnesses away. It might seem impossible, but even small changes to your lifestyle, can bring out big changes in your weight, if followed over the long period. What you need is determination and the will to eat clean.

Small steps towards living a healthy lifestyle will become big steps in leading one!

'Let food be thy medicine, medicine be thy food'. -Hippocrates

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