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MANAGE WAR TRAUMA USING GENERAL SEMANTICS: An interview with Dr. Martin H. Levinson [Part 1]

MANAGE WAR TRAUMA USING GENERAL SEMANTICS: An interview with Dr. Martin H. Levinson [Part 1]
Next week, on October 27, the annual General Semantics Symposium will unfold at the Princeton Club of New York City. General semantics (GS) has been used in the military, corporations and the academic world.

GS has been tied to notable personalities such as Abraham Maslow, Alfred Hitchcock, William Burroughs, Buckminster Fuller, Aldous Huxley and others. From studying Alfred Korzybski’s pioneering book Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics (1933), I resurrected the use of general semantics as a therapeutic tool for veterans from Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan who were in the process of readjusting from war.

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