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How to Bring Back the Lost Love

How to Bring Back the Lost Love

In the beginning of your courtship days or early days of your marriage are the warmest days of your life. Love remains tender and there are romance and excitement everywhere, all the time. But as soon as the time flies, that lovely warm relationship becomes colder day by day. Whenever you feel that your relationship is changing its direction, you need to start working on it right then. You can’t just sit and pray everything to be alright. Having a life full of love and romance is a blessing from God and you surely must not lose that magic.
And it is very common among couples that they find their love to be somehow deceased over time. And very innumerable people can handle that love to be increased once again and they live more like a roommate rather than a lovely sweet couple. They do all the household chores like looking after the kids, washing clothes and dishes and their jobs. This becomes a boring lifeless routine for them and they seem very comfortable with this. But in between these routine tasks, their love goes lost somewhere. And finally one day they figure out that they have done a very good job, have a plenty of money and well raised children but they have lost the other part of their soul, since couples are considered soul mates.
But there is a good news that the couples can still save their love and relationship before its too late. Many of us try to find various ways to find back the old love they used to feel about each other. There are thousands of ways which can actually help you to revive the love between you. These tasks may seem easy and simple but they can be very helpful and effective in the end.
The first thing you can do is changing your own attitude and behavior. Feel the old days when you were just two cute love birds. It is very true that when you start thinking differently you will feel different. Make yourself feel special and eventually everything will turn into special to you. After a long time of marriage it’s very normal to feel boring and rational and it’s okay. Try changing your mind in the first place.
You should try replacing the negative thoughts with the positive ones. Being busy in your job, being an awesome parent most of us forget the positive things of a married life. Sometimes there may be no negative thoughts in real but lack of positive things can make you feel somewhat “blah” about your relationship. You can ask yourself to suggest if you had a friend of same problem. Most of the time people ignore the easiest solutions for themselves but somehow manage to suggest them correctly. Do whatever your “suggestive” mind says.
Spend lots of time together to walk down the memory lane. See old photos, photos of your marriage, discuss about your first honeymoon and events of love that you both have enjoyed. Revving memory really helps a lot to bring back the old love and there is no missed target.
Make love or be romantic once in a while. It helps to reconstruct the bridge and will make you and your partner feel happy and healthy. Discuss family matters or your personal things once in week while sitting in your favorite corner of your home. Or even if you don’t feel to talk, you just can sit together silently to heal your mind. Never miss any opportunity to show your love. This will make your partner feel better and important and eventually he or she will make the same effort to make you feel the same way.
