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Seed Sovereignty: How Patents Can Wipe Out Tomorrow's Dinner | The Next Women - Business Magazine

Movements usually start with a small beginning, and in the case of food security, the seed is the source of all power. For our future meals, and for our actions of today. Dr Vandana Shiva, Founder of Navdanya (a women-centred movement for the protection of biological and cultural diversity), has literally put her hands into the roots of the issue and is a change-maker in seed sovereignty, a movement that has now covered the world. In the lead up to last week's World Food Day she declared the first 'Seed Satyagraha', seeking to affirm No Patents On Seeds. The movement of seed saving and sharing began in response to the crisis of agricultural biodiversity. The belief is that seed is the genesis of our food system, and the source of life. Whoever controls seeds has a mighty hand over food and freedom. It is well documented that MNCs like Monsanto have created unequal and dangerous practices in seed creation and dissemination. Genetic modifications and non-renewable sterile seeds have created seed monopolies and contaminated much of the worlds most fertile farming land, with thousands of documented cases of farmer suicides. It might seem counterintuitive that I'm writing in a business magazine about calling an end to patents, however this is where we have to draw the line ...> Rétablir l'original