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Facebook emails and notifications in a different language? - An elucidative answer is here.

Facebook emails and notifications in a different language? - An elucidative answer is here.
Facebook's language settings are easier than before.

Recently many Facebook users were scratching their heads because they were seeing facebook emails and push notifications in an alien language which they have no idea.

There are many possibilities which caused this issue. Some users unknowingly changed their facebook emails and push notification settings to a foreign language. While for others, facebook's bug changed the language preferences automatically when their location was changed, which has been resolved now.

Just following a few steps will definitely solve this issue. No more scratching heads :).

Get your native language to all posts, push notifications and emails from facebook:
Go to your Facebook homepage. Look at the top right corner, you will see a down arrow button. Tap on it.

facebook emails in a different language

Now you will see a drop-down containing a couple of options. Tap on Settings which is located at second from last.
Tap on Settings. Now you will be shown with a lot of facebook personalization options. Yeah!. This is where you control most of your account features. In fact, you can also choose what to do with your account when you pass away.
On the left corner, you will see an option called language and Region. That's your destination. Tap on it. Click on the image to see it in an enlarged view.

facebook emails push notifications in different language

A little bit more about facebook's Language Settings.
I am going to explain a bit more on each and every option that you see on the right side.Facebook language: This is like the main switch. This option enables the chosen language to apply for the entire facebook app like all the buttons, menus, etc.Region Format: This option is for all the date formats and time formats you see on the facebook app. for example if you like to see the temperature in Fahrenheit instead of celsius then you can change it here.Posts from Friends and Pages: If you see some posts in Arabic, facebook can translate into your native language and show it for you. Here you have the option to choose what languages you don't need translation and other options. Facebook has some default options based on your location. You can customize it if required.Multilingual Posts: This feature was introduced recently. This feature enables you to post facebook status in multiple languages.
To solve your issue you just have to change the first option in Language and Region settings on left side.
In language and region settings you will see a lot of options to choose on the right side.
The first option is Facebook Language. Tap on Edit option and choose the preferred language.
Also, there are a lot of other facebook personalization options. Read it carefully and change it.

This flow will solve most of your language problems. But there might be some edge cases. Please do comment and start a discussion. I am going to take it and solve for you.

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