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Growing Your Small Business: Utilizing Government Contracts

Once you’ve got a business up and running, it’s easy to forget that there are other streams of revenue available outside of the public sector. 

The federal market place puts a lot of money into contracts – around $90 billion in 2012. That’s more money than I can shake a stick at. While there’s a lot of income to be had by investing and participating in government contracting, it’s not easy 

Since you’ll be doing business with the government there will be a lot of regulations to follow and registration processes to go through. Most of the rules, regulations, and procedures involved can be found on the Small Business Administration’s (SBA’s) website, here. Remember, even if you jump through all the hoops successfully, and are able to start bidding on government contracts, the federal market place can be just as tumultuous and competitive as the private sector. 

Source: https://www.entrepreneurshipsecret.com/growing-your-small-business-utilizing-government-contracts/

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