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The future of gyms, scenario II: Is the gym dead, Ellen?

Gym owners, sport brands and other experts seem to know the future of the fitness market. In this series, we spoke to those that ultimately decide where gyms are heading: consumers like Ellen. Episode 2: Why the gym is (nearly) dead. (c) Maria Retter

As gyms were forced to close, the list of at-home converts is growing. What exercisers gain in optionality, gyms and studios could lose in leverage. Consumers have learnt to appreciate the perks of working out at home and the vantages of virtual fitness: There has never been more on-demand fitness content available. Working out from home is affordable and flexible. Tech enables customization and substitutes not only coach but also community. For some, the outdoors is the new gym. Gym might not be dead like a doornail, but covid is the end of gym as we know it.