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Taxes in the USA

Are you planning to immigrate to the United States or stay there for a while? Then you should know the tax system of the USA. Learn about US taxes and double taxation treaties with several other countries.

Am I taxable in the USA?

If you are in the USA for 183 days or more per year, you are considered a tax resident. The same applies to Green Card holders and US citizens, even if they live abroad.

In addition to the 183-day rule, part-time residents of the USA are also subject to the so-called "Substantial Presence Test," which determines physical presence in the States within a period of three years and thus also tax liability.

Substantial Presence Test: Do I have to pay US taxes?

You must file a US tax return if you have been in the US for a total of 183 days or more within the last three calendar years. The "Substantial Presence Test" determines your tax liability based on a three-part calculation. The count is:

  • 100 % of your presence in the United States in the current year.
  • One-third of your presence days in the US in the past year
  • One-sixth of your days of presence in the US in the year before the last

If adding these three values together results in a period of 183 days or more, then you are taxable in the US.

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