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Drawings from the Hoesch collection on display in Dresden

Drawings from the Hoesch collection on display in Dresden
Drawings from the Hoesch collection on display in Dresden
From 10 June to 11 September 2022, the Kupferstich-Kabinett in Dresden presents "Anselmi to Zuccari. Master Drawings from the Hoesch Collection".
Source: Kupferstich-Kabinett (Museum of Prints, Drawings and Photographs), Dresden - Image: Annibale Carracci, River Landscape with Bathers, c. 1585/95
The rarely exhibited drawings shown in the exhibition include a very comprehensive representation of Italian artists from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, including Andrea Boscoli's "Triumph of Bacchus" (1582), Annibale Carracci's "River Landscape with Bathers" (c. 1585/95), "Penitent Mary Magdalene" (c. 1591/95) by Agostino Carracci, "Venus comes to the aid of Aeneas" (mid-17th century) by Pier Francesco Mola; or "Portrait of Jacopo Palma il Giovane" (1743) by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo; exhibited alongside works by other Europeans of this period, such as "Landscape with a House" by Claude Lorrain.
In addition to drawings from the Henning Hoesch Collection, "From Anselmi to Zuccari" also includes several works from the Kupferstich-Kabinett's own collection, which help to complete the exhibition narrative and, according to the museum, to establish new relationships between the works.
The Kupferstich-Kabinett states that "the exhibition allows viewers to peer over the shoulders of these artists and observe how they alternately sketch or carefully work through their ideas — whether figures, narrative scenes, or landscapes. The medium of drawing, which may involve pencil, pen or brush, offers a unique way to experience the process of creation up close, and in so doing to enter into a dialogue that spans centuries."

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