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MYERS-BRIGGS HUMOUR: 5 cartoons about the introverted folks among us by INFJoe

MYERS-BRIGGS HUMOUR: 5 cartoons about the introverted folks among us by INFJoe
Not always in the mood to party

Cartoon of introverted man who doesn't want to attend party - Myers-Briggs humourFemale partner, as male (introvert) sits quietly in chair: "Sorry, Sue. John's tired and wants to stay in tonight. Says he needs to recharge. Some kind of "introvert" thing. What? You'll bring the party HERE?! GREAT!!
A visual guide on whether to include an introvert - Myers Briggs humourIntrovert Inclusion

Sometimes we want to be left alone.
Sometimes we want to be included.
Most of the time we want to be included with the option to be left alone.

Super-introverts at the office

Introverted worker talks about how it would be nice to have his own office - Myers-Briggs humourMale coworker to female, as they work in front of computers without privacy: "I wish those of us who are introverts had offices, but I guess it makes sense to put the loudest talkers behind closed doors."

Two coworkers look at Joe's cubicle, which is a box that says Male office worker #1: "How does Joe get into his cubicle? There's even a top on this thing."

Male office worker #2: "Is he even in there?"
A happy introverted couple

Male and female from introverted couple ponder how they love to be alone together - Myers-Briggs humourSpeech bubbles float above both a male and a female of an introverted couple, as they both read books: "I LOVE being alone. Together."

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image: Matt @ PEK via Wikimedia Commons (Creative Commons BY-SA)

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