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California Democrats Are Just An Embarrassment

California Democrats Are Just An Embarrassment
Hey Gertrude, unlike your lazy son, my son works for San Francisco ASSemblyman Phil Ting, and he's going to be on the TV tonight!
California politicians have become such a loony toon lot they're just an embarrassment to our nation.

As we have always stated, if President Trump really wants to protect America, he needs to start building the border wall around California.

Instead of San Francisco politicians, in Nancy Pelosi's hometown working on stopping people pooping in the streets, the rampant drug use, the homeless epidemic, or the city's out of control crime rate.

ASSemblyman Phil Ting is taking on the real terror afflicting the city by the bay... Paper Receipts.

My only question, if ASSemblyman Ting wins in his 'Skip the Slip' battle against those evil paper receipts... Then what will all those San Fran homeless people use for toilet paper?

I guess maybe the could use the SF Gate or the Chronicle, but in my opinion that would be cruel and unusual punishment, because they're not even good enough to wipe your butt with.
The Nanniest
When it comes to “The Nanny State” no other region can even come close to California. They're by far the 'Nanniest' state in the union.

From environmental restrictions to protect an albino cockroach to plastic bag restrictions, to ending the scourge of McDonald's happy meal toys, California is ground zero for triggered Liberal loony toon residents and politicians.

California told McDonald's they could no longer give away Happy Meal toys. Why? Because California's liberal parents demanded their liberal politicians protect their children, from themselves, because they couldn't say “No” to their child when driving by a Mickey D's.

Now, on the heels of California criminalizing plastic drinking straws. San Francisco Assemblyman Phil Ting is on a quest to end the nightmare of those dreaded register receipts.
Build The Wall... Around Cali
Our site did a report almost a year ago about San Francisco becoming the Sh*thole capital of America. Titled San Francisco Is A REAL Shithole, Nancy Pelosi Should Be Proud

And we did mean "Sh*thole" as in people, mostly those wonderful, law-abiding illegal immigrants, pooping in the street and on the sidewalk.

We ran into the story after a 20-lb bag of poop was left on the sidewalk and it made San Fran's evening news.

After Nancy Pelosi became speaker of the house we decided to revisit that story. Since Nancy Pelosi was vacationing in Hawaii, you would think San Francisco had regained their once pristine image.

Unfortunately, for Nancy Pelosi's hometown, things went from bad to worse.  Nancy Pelosi Ready To Do For America, What’s She’s Done For San Francisco
Here are just two of the tweets from those Happy San Franciscan's

Request for help @sfgov @SFPD @LondonBreed. My coworker took this video this morning outside our 38 Mason St office. I’m a small business owner, and it’s dangerous & unsafe for my employees to be walking in a war zone. Days with police presence are much better. We need more. pic.twitter.com/zwWdO2d4Ub

— Geoffrey Woo (@geoffreywoo) December 19, 2018

I just went to get coffee at @Sightglass On one city block and saw more human poo than I ever wanted to see. @LondonBreed @MattHaneySF #FilthySF #SANFRANCISCO @sf311 7th between Folsom and Howard. West sidewalk. pic.twitter.com/TG0nNZ68TF

— CleanUpWestSOMA (@CleanUpWestSoma) November 25, 2018

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So what did Twitter Think of ASSemblyman Phil Ting ready to tackle the real dread facing San Fran residents?


— Rebecca Rose ‍♀️ (@auntbeckyrose) January 9, 2019

wait so now i have to turn my e-mail address over to every business i interact with? fuck that!

— John Doe (@Lordofmisrule79) January 9, 2019

wait so now i have to turn my e-mail address over to every business i interact with? fuck that!

— John Doe (@Lordofmisrule79) January 9, 2019

You’re on notice, @cvspharmacy.

— I Like Bonhoeffer (@ILikeBonhoeffer) January 9, 2019

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