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Clara Moon: Pacific Rim, Xmen-First Class, Soul Calibur 5, Associate Creative Director

Clara Moon is a Concept Artist in the Films and games Industry based in California, United States. Clara is currently an Associate Creative Director at Legion Creative Group, Clara has a broad range of skills and has produced many artworks in the fields of environment design, character design, vehicle design, and prop design for video games and feature films. Projects Clara Moon has contributed too include: Pacific Rim, London Fields, Katy Perry Music Videos, Xmen-First Class, Soul Calibur5, Dead Grandma and many more. Clara uses a broad range of software to produce her artwork, either using Pencil and Pen to realise by hand, or using 2d applications such as Photoshop, illustrator, but also utilising 3d software Maya and Zbrush to realise Clara's artworks. 




shipping dockCathedral in Keats cave final chase scene clara1 clara2 clara3 final2 final3 First Reunion flood hole lamia’s office building2 market midterm purple mountain  slum tesla tree undersea book cover1 week 4.2 week 4


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