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Overwatch: Official Character Concept Art Collection

Overwatch, a Video Game by Blizzard Entertainment that has had massive success across the globe with its exciting, round based game-play and unique Art style. Today we look at some Concept Art and Illustration originally developed for the Character of Overwatch, and how their styles flawlessly made it into the playable game.

Overwatch assigns players into two teams of six, with each player selecting one of 24 pre-defined characters, called heroes, each with unique movement, attributes, and abilities, whose roles are divided into four categories: Offense, Defense, Tank, and Support. Players on a team work together to secure and defend control points on a map or escort a payload across the map in a limited amount of time. Players gain cosmetic rewards that do not affect gameplay, such as character skins and victory poses, as they play the game. The game was initially launched with casual play, with a competitive ranked mode, various 'arcade' game modes, and a player-customizable server browser subsequently included following its release. Additionally, Blizzard has developed and added new characters, maps, and game modes post-release, while stating that all Overwatch updates will remain free, with the only additional cost to players being microtransactions to earn additional cosmetic rewards.



bastion-concept doomfist-concept dva-concept genji-concept hanzo-concept junkrat-concept lucio-concept mccree-concept mei-concept  orisa-concept roadhog-concept soldier-76-concept sombra-concept-a4ff40a617d43989d524431f91a24533d89ed17d613d68c93d56de5f4ce6b4cfd8e748bbfaa00e06058f63f9761a99f3401acc53527d0576514c84f915680ed0 torbjorn-concept tracer-concept widowmaker-concept winston-concept zarya-concept zenyatta-concept


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