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Darren Quach: HAWKEN, Ratchet and Clank series, Resistance Concept artist

Darren Quach is a Freelance Concept Artist in the Entrainment Industry. Based in Los Angeles, California, Darren Quach Studied at the ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena, ca. Darren began his career at Killergame in 2001, in 2003 Darren moved onto Insomniac Games Where, over time, Darren became the principal concept artist at Insomniac in Burbank, California. Darren began working at Insomniac Games as a Concept Artist, working his way up from regular artist, Senior, Lead and then to Principal Concept Artist. Projects include the Ratchet and Clank series, Resistance series, Overstrike and many more. After Insomniac Darren worked on the game HAWKEN with Adhesive Games creating concept design and level production. Darren currently works now as a Freelance Artist, recently working with Blur Studio.




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