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Gary Tonge: Visionafar, CodeMasters, King, Art Director

Gary Tonge came straight out of school and into work at an old computer games company called Elite Systems. He began creating art for computer conversions of old arcade games and some original titles. Working now as a professional artist for 20 years, Gary has created pretty much every type of art for various companies: 2D pixel art, high-end 3D animation and rendering. Finally along the way though, Gary Tonge settled into full illustrations and concept art. “In reality, I’ve only been creating this sort of work for about five years,” says Tonge, “which feels really odd to be honest, mostly because I can’t believe its taken twelve years to find what I loved the most about art.” Gary Tonge recently won the Master Award for 2D Environment in EXPOSÉ 3 among many other industry awards. Gary Tonge has previously been Art Director at King, Code Masters and Swordfish, and now a Consultant creative artist for his cmpany Visionafar.




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