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Inside Hairbert - the birth of an artificial character

One day, the whole lockdown got on my nerves so terribly that I had to express my frustration in a drawing. On this day, I was terribly annoyed in the morning about the closed barbershops. But at least I had something in common with our chancellor that morning, no more hairstyle - just hair. Here is the result of that annoying moment:
And so Hairbert was born. He is thus a full-fledged child of the Corona Lockdown, although his name was found much later through a query in an Instagram story. At the beginning I definitely didn't think about a series of drawings, but after the positive feedback I started to think about how to express the Corona frustration on the one hand, but on the other hand how to capture a whole issue with a single image.
Hairbert still has an interesting future, let's see in which direction he will develop.

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