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30 records in 30 days from 2 collections from one household, day 26: Shango, Shango Funk Theology.

30 records in 30 days goes into the 26th round: Aren't we all a bit Shango?
A friend of mine infected me with the funk virus when we were in the army together. In 1982-1984, a few limited-edition records called Funk You! were released on the Metrovynil label. The lyrics triggered red ears and stuttering at the time, but the music was the best you could get out of the funk corner.
Unfortunately, you couldn't buy these albums at my local record store in my hometown and even in bigger towns it was insanely difficult to get them. I had a quick look last night and you can still get them, but at a sporty price (in good condition, more than 20€). I will probably buy them.
Back to Shango. Infected with the aforementioned virus, I was even more pleased that this record was available in normal record shops. The best song on the whole record is the Message. The raw power of funk packed into one song. Simply brilliant. And today‘s message is "Are You ready for the Weekend? Listen to the message! Listen to Shango!"
Stay tuned

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