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30 records in 30 days from 2 collections from one household, day 14: Nichts, First Album.

30 records in 30 days goes into the fourteenth round. "Lieber Gott ich wünsch mir so. Meine Stimme im Radio. In den Charts Nummer Vier. Alle sind so nett zu mir."
These first lines from the first song on the A-side of this LP have accompanied me not only through my youth, but also into the present time. O. k., wicked people will say it's punky Tralala, simply Neue Deutsche Welle. Some of the lyrics are hilarious, some even show some depth. In contrast to Alien Sex Fiend it's easy-going German punk with a bit of infantile nonsense.
Probably that's why I love this LP. Not only because it appeals to my childish mind, but also because there are so many memories associated with the songs. I've been searching for it for the last decade and a half, but it's not available on CD or as a legal electronic download. In 2020 I bought it again, a real vinyl record after more than 30 years. Digitized at a friend's house and cherished ever since.
Stay tuned

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