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30 records in 30 days from 2 collections from one household, day 5: Madonna's first album

30 records in 30 days goes into the fifth round, with holydays on a lucky star.
Here comes my musical coming out, part 2. Yes, I like Madonna. When I started picking out the 30 records for my challenge last weekend, I knew that the artist's debut album definitely belonged to this collection. Why? The album as a whole was a musical reminder of high school graduation for me. Besides, my best friend and I listened to it until we dropped.
So I was very surprised to find out that it was released a year after I graduated from high school. Crap, now I have been telling nonsense for more than 3 decades. I noticed this error when I tried to put the records in a chronological order last Saturday.
Since then, I've been desperately trying to figure out what was really my high school graduation anthem. I've been looking at all the charts and since then I've been getting on the nerves of my circle of friends with the question "can you still remember 1982 …". Over the course of the last week, a hot candidate has emerged, Tainted Love by Soft Cell. But that track came out in 1981. Well, I guess I'll be digging around for a while. I am grateful for any suggestions.
Stay tuned

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