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How I Met My 12th Girlfriend

if you think of this article of being a reminiscence of my first encounter with the business school that I’m enrolled to at present, you are wrong! This article is about a poor kid who stumbles upon a deadly place that resembles “Capitalism” is each way possible and a replication of School (read Jail!) in the trendiest way possible. So basically, I’m a regular kid, growing up in 1 of your neighborhood, the place can be anything that you can come across! I started my schooling at the age of five not because it was appropriate for me to get myself in to the school at that age but for my parents remaining busy enough with their personal life (pun intended). I went to school skipping on the routine of watching cartoons and ending up fighting on the chocolates that my friends would bring in the class as the substitute of i-phones at that time. I ended my high-schooling without any significant struggle over finding a hot and sexy girlfriend actually girlfriends! So, the number of my build-to-be-broken relationships kept on increasing and my belief in true love ( till then had no clue of its existence ) kept on diminishing at a faster pace.

Time passed by and I kept on changing my dating places and the girls I met. Then came the day when I stumbled upon a cute and hot (I don’t know how the combo happens!) chic and the story of How-I-Met-My-12th-Gf is even funnier than the consequence of having done one.

So, I went for a funeral. My friend’s dad had passed away and I went to attend his funeral with utmost faith and respect for him in my heart. The day was all the very sunny with no probability of rain by the meteorologists in the state. So, we said our prayers, we grieved for the deceased and commemorated the departed soul. There came a girl at the funeral in long black dress with flowers in her hand. I was not in the mood of making any eye contact with her. However, she sat by my side at one corner. For your information, I let you know that, the funeral was being organized in the lawn before my friend’s house. When we were placing our bouquets by the deceased, out of nowhere there came clouds from all around the northern part and suddenly there was no sun to be seen from the ground! You can imagine me carrying no umbrella; not only me but the rest followed the same policy of leaving the extra carriage at home.

With the rain drops started to fall from the blue, we started to rush to the nearest shed. At that moment, the chemistry took place without giving me any prior notification of it to begin. The girl whom I mentioned (Michael, that I came to know later) got her dress stuck in the steel-chair we sat on. It was raining and the poor soul got all drenched to the bottom! I tried to help her out that I couldn’t succeed in due to the torrential downpour! It was getting all very wet (pun intended) and we were both in complete fix about how to react. Then at one point she managed to pull the dress out of the chair; I felt relieved and relaxed. The next thing she did, it took me by my conscious! She held my hand tight and ran to the shed having me stumbling upon the grass on the lawn.

This is the story of finding my 12th Girlfriend at a funeral! By the time you are reading this article, I’m finished having fed my younger son who’s 4 now; his mom is on her way to be here any moment and we have a funeral to attend this afternoon.

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