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Tom Segura Celebrates Controversial Comedy Act With Thousands at Caesars Windsor

Tom Segura Celebrates Controversial Comedy Act With Thousands at Caesars Windsor
Tom SeguraSunday (Dec. 8) could very well have been the night Cincinnati took over Caesars Windsor as famed Cincy-born comedian Tom Segura brought his controversial blue-collar porn, racial jabs and outright naughty humor to The Colosseum with Geoff Tate, another jokester from The 'Nati.
Segura may come across as a bitter old boomer, but his approach to most of the controversy is to be himself throughout it all. And in this respect, he shines like a diamond. It’s a take-it-or-leave-it show with a lot of sexuality, some racial remarks and a few “OMG, did he just say that” moments. It’s a breath of fresh air in a stale society of homogenized, watered down complacency. He is his own man and he’ll take the bad reviews and oversensitive crybabies and counteract it by asking those offended to just leave and get on with life.
“I was deeply hurt by things you said during your ha-ha show,” he told the Caesars crowd about a comment he might get after a show. “You should never hear things you don’t like. You stay home now (big kiss).”
While not as blunt as George Carlin was, Segura has a bit of that carefree attitude when he speaks. He’s a great storyteller who can suck almost anyone into his conversation. And then he drops a bomb – like his references to slutty moms having lots of sex, the story of a woman he met masturbating in a bar, or his friend who wanted to have oral sex with a member of the Wu-Tang Clan.
Segura’s show was, as expected, much like his three popular Netflix specials, Disgraceful, Mostly Stories and Completely Normal. His newer material may even be more on point than the specials and the audience was there for the entire ride. Surprisingly, not many left early and it took more than an hour to get out of the usually fast-moving parking garage afterwards. Apparently, Windsor loves a good potty mouth.
Warm-up act Geoff Tate could easily be the fun stoner guy next door that keeps you laughing all night. A bit like the harmless prankster of the neighbourhood. Dressed in a camouflage jacket and blue toque, his humour centered around failed retail jobs at stores like Best Buy, conflicts with bosses and a wide assortment drug gags. Being the warm-up comedy act at Caesars Windsor is a tough job for anyone, but the Cincinnati-based comedian performed so casually, you’d swear we were with him in his parent’s basement.
Photos by Dan Savoie
Tom Segura
Geoff Tate

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