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8 Tricks That Drastically Improve Twitter Engagement [2]

8 Tricks That Drastically Improve Twitter Engagement

Twitter engagement: Almost everyone had been in this position. You work hard to create a great content, memorable quotes or even an amazing picture, next you share these posts on twitter and waited but no one seems to interact with them. Not even a like. ouch, that hurts, this can be very frustrated.

Yes, building social media presence takes time, with twitter it seems to take much more time. But there are simple techniques and guidelines you need to follow to fasten the process.

Twitter is an amazing marketing platform, with over 300 millions active users, it's a paradise for businesses to communicate, generate leads, research trends, get instant feedback, provide customer service and so much more.

In this post we are going to discuss twitter engagement, why it's very important for your business and tips to improve your engagement.
Twitter Engagement: What Is It?
Twitter engagement is when someone carries a particular action on content you post on twitter. There are many ways this can happen. Some of them are listed below:

Retweeting your post(tweet)
Favoriting your post (tweet)
Clicking on your link.
Mentioning you on another tweet.
Replying your tweet.

As you can see, the most important purpose of being in twitter at all is because of these engagements.

Before we move on, let's learn these important statistical twitter usage and engagement facts.

Over 17% of users unfollow a brand within three weeks if the brand hasn't made a serious effort to keep them engaged.
About 27% of users log into twitter daily.
When compared with other social media combined (16%), twitter has the highest users following brands (49%).
About 19% users seek customer support.
Videos, infographics and images get more engagement.

What all these means is that there are lots and lots of contents being shared on twitter. Even though there are millions of users, it's very difficult for them to engage your stuffs. There are too many distractions.

But all hope is not lost, despite how intimidating the statistics are, there are lots of different information on how many factors affect twitter engagement, like how using hashtags can increase or decrease engagement.

Let's take a look at some of this factors:
1. Make your profile great:
See this as a good opportunity to explain yourself to a total stranger in a few seconds. Explain yourself, talk about what you do, tell users what they will benefit from following you.

Make your profile visually friendly, it makes you stand out on timeline. A picture is worth a thousand words. Use snappa to create graphics, it's a free tool.
2. Retweet:
To retweet is a very important factor if you want you engagement to improve. If you often retweet what people like, they will start to follow you. Users value retweet and they know when you retweet their contents and might begin to retweet yours.

Remember to retweet only the posts your followers will be interested in, if you are into SEO and your followers are guys interested in your SEO contents, please don't retweet anything that has to do with Justin Bieber.
3. Share your link:
Ofcourse this is one of the main reason you are on twitter, right? you want to expose your link to much people as you can.

Sharing your website's link on twitter can send a lot of traffic to your site. You need to share other people's link too, When you find great contents anywhere, share them on twitter. This can help you build relationship with other brands in your industry. They may reciprocate.
4. Peak hours:
Just like with other social media, find out the times of the day or days of the week when your followers are more active on twitter, that's when you post your contents. This increases the views and the engagement of your posts.

Studies have shown that the best time to post is in the afternoon between the hours of 12pm to 3pm Mondays to Fridays. You can use scheduling tools like buffer, hootsuite and rignite to distribute your contents across the social media.
5. Hashtags:
Hashtags can be the most important tool in twitter, this is how people find contents they are looking for.  tweets with hashtags have higher percentage of being retweeted than those without it.

Meanwhile don't overdo this. Use only one hashtag with one tweet. Tweets with only one hashtag are more likely to be retweeted than those with more. Jump into the bandwagon of hashtags, that's the current trend on twitter. Use the hashtags of anything related to your industry, people that are searching with the hashtags you are using will surely find your posts and may retweet of follow you.
6. Images:
Add images to your posts. Images are very important with all social media and twitter is no exception. Studies have shown that posts with images get more engagements than those without images.

Twitter allows users to share up to four images with one tweet. Images are very dynamic, whether it's infography, graph or a photograph. One is enough to drive up your engagements.
7. Value:
Just with every other social media engagement, you have to provide value with your contents. Social media have provided an environment where people can share any thought that pops up in their heads. If you want users to take you serious, you have to constantly come up with posts that they see as informing, entertaining, inspiring, something that make them look forward to hearing from you again.

Content marketing is all about creating value in any form you can, this brings success, value makes users interested in you and your posts and they may reward you with retweets and follow.
8. Twitter ads:
If you want to build engagement quickly then you may consider using twitter ads. This cost money, more costly than facebooks ads, but it can help especially if you want to engage users immediately.












Twitter ads' click through rates are very high, this is important especially if you are you want to drive traffic to your website.
There are many more ways you can increase twitter engagement but these eight are the most powerful of them all. You don't have to engage in all of them just find the right strategy that works for you.

