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Content Is Not King Anymore

Content Is Not King Anymore

Content Is Not King Anymore.

When i was "growing up" in the blogging world. I was taught by SEO experts that content is king. I believed that the secret of getting targeted

traffic from search engines like google is to write quality content regularly. I spent most of my time stuffing my site with fresh contents and

hoping for traffic. This used to be the truth back in the days when there was no competition, when one could publish any great content and

generates lots of traffic from search engines: Things have changed. Content is not king anymore.

The truth of the matter is that now Google and other search engines are not going to magically put your site in their first page because of

your awesome fresh contents and people are not going to find your great contents if you dont have a well thought out strategy to promote

your contents and site.

But the question remains: "how does one create and promote content that generates targeted traffic?"

Get this straight. The amount of search engine traffic your site generates depends on..........

1. Find low-competition, high converting keywords.

2. Create great content using the keywords.

3. Promote your great content.

In SEO, those that focus on these three things above gets the lion's share of highly targeted organic search engine traffic.
