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30 records in 30 days from 2 collections from one household, day 22: Joy Division, Substance 1977-1980.

30 records in 30 days goes into the 22nd round: love will tear us apart, and then we travel to Warshaw.
After talking about the commercialization of punk yesterday, today we're going to take a step back. Joy Division is for me - similar to Alien Sex Fiend - a missing link between the synthesizer-heavy new wave music and the punk of the seventies. This album is really good, but the group lacks the anarchistic sound and synth experiments of Adrian Sex Fiend.
Don't misunderstand, this in no way devalues the group's sound, they are just different. Joy Division are so unexcitingly punk-oriented to me that this album is simply a joy to listen to. Quite typical for me: "Leaders of man" and "Warshaw". It is also not aggressive (nice sample "Love will tear us apart"), like some other punk records, where you would like to tear down the neighbor's house after two times listening.
Stay tuned

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