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30 records in 30 days from 2 collections from one household, day 9: Simple Minds, Sister Feelings Call.

30 Records in 30 Days enters its ninth round. Let's cover big promises, big cities and big nations with a carpet of sound.
Let's make it short, sweet and to the point again. After Klaus Schulze ignited the first spark with his spherical synthesizer sounds, I really caught fire with two bands, one of them being Simple Minds. I was thinking for a long time if I shouldn't include "Sons and Fascination" in the 30 days, but decided to go for "Sister Feelings Call" after all. Why? This record, for some inexplicable reason, is inextricably linked to one of my favorite movies, Alien. In my opinion, the following two songs would have fit the atmosphere of the movie perfectly: "Theme for great cities" and "20th century promised land".
Stay tuned

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