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30 records in 30 days from 2 collections from one household, day 6: Dire Straits, the debut album.

30 records in 30 days goes into the sixth round, with the swinging sultans from the wild west.
Here comes my musical coming-out, part 3: the debut album of Dire Straits. With this record, I travel way back in my youth. A friend of mine showed up with it one day and really wanted us to listen to it together right away. That's how enthusiastic he was about it. It was also on my side a musical love at first sight and the record accompanied us both through many, very long nights, during which we talked about everything and anything. In the background this record was playing at least once a night. Very often more than once.
So it is always a musical memory of this phase of my youth. There is no favorite for me on the LP, it is simply excellent as a whole. In my opinion, the Dire Straits have in the following albums unfortunately no longer this unused freshness and musical nonchalance musically implement. Simply a unique piece of music.
Stay tuned

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